Thursday, July 19, 2018

Miami Pete 14

Miami Pete 14:

I sat on the bridge, thinking of what my next move could possibly be.  While there, I started to check on the fueling I had ordered upon arrival at the station.  It was complete, so Hauley's reactor fuel tanks were nice and full.  The water tanks were likewise full.  As with most stations, part of the docking procedure included a hookup to the station water supply.  A station has a lot more room for water filtration and reclamation than a star ship.  Sure, Hauley has a water reclamation system, it just isn't as advanced as one designed for a station.  On a long haul when there are no stops, ship water can get a bit funky.  It's still safe to use, it's just not pleasant.  Before I came aboard, the water tanks were pretty much ignored.  They would dock with a station and just top the water tanks off, putting fresh water on top of what was there.  Not me man, as soon as I had a chance, I completely dumped the entire water system and gave it a good scrubbing inside and out.  Then refilled with fresh water.  After that, when we docked with a station, our system was set to dump everything into the station's waste water system, rinse, and refill from empty.  It costs a little bit more that way, but the alternative is funky water.  Pete complained about the cost at first, but after a couple hauls, he came around.

I could tell, by the way that I was checking on preparations, that my subconscious was leaning towards leaving.  I just hadn't admitted to myself yet. But where would I go?  The first thing that popped into my head was 'rus One, but that was ridiculous.  It was also going backwards rather than moving ahead. Where else?  Deltos?  What was Deltos to me?  I could go back and see if my parents still lived, if I had any idea what my name or their names were.  I did have some memories of Deltos, but none of them were specific.  Like I remember having friends, but I don't remember any of them specifically.  No, Deltos was also going backwards.

The Comm chimed, letting me know there was another incoming message.  "Thanks a lot kid.  Gregorious managed to spring me from lockup by doing his lawyer bit in case you care.  Glad you made it to your ship."  It was from Chance.  Why did I find myself smiling?  Chance was not a nice man, just ask him, he'll tell you.  I do NOT like Chance.  NO!

I'm such an idiot...

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